One of my biggest hates is Public Transport. Well actually not Public Transport itself – That is beautifully engineered machinery which is amazing how many people it can hold – but no, more the Public which occupy it.  I like to avoid Buses as much as possible. There is nothing worse than getting onto a bus where you have to listen to the mono-toned screech of music from the chav-tastic group sitting at the back of the bus (why are they sitting at the back anyway? or upstairs? do they think the bus will go faster if they sit there?) or squeezing yourself onto an already seemingly packed Bus which the driver coolly dismisses the fact that we might actually be over-capacity, where you cant even move to scratch your bottom without touching someone elses. Just at that moment you see a Mum waiting eagerly at the next stop with full intention of pushing her pram onto your bus as you think Please Mr Bus driver, don’t stop for her, the bus is already unbearable without taking away more of our much needed personal space. If SHE gets on then we’re going to have to start sitting on each others laps! :- It’s the same with Tubes. Who in their right mind would take a pram on a Tube during rush hour? It causes nothing much misery and stress for everyone, including the baby who must think their back in the womb or something with the heat surely reaching well over boiling point.


I was standing at Victoria Train station with headphones in full blast waiting to see which platform my train would be arriving at. An average bustle of people waiting beside me but overall not too busy. Suddenly I noticed a slightly elderly lady, although I think that was mostly just down to wear and tear as in actual fact she was probably about 40, dragging her suitcase through the crowd  and realised that out of natural human courtesy, alot of the crowd would adjust their position slightly although not enough to move out her way but enough to show willing that they at least are making an effort to help her in her travels. This seemed pointless to me. Why should anybody have to move when there was such a broad amount of other floor space she could be using? and NOT try to get THROUGH this little crowd but go around… I decided I will not move even though she is making her way toward me (theres no need.) A second later she had managed to get an inch or so past me but then catching her suitcase on my foot  she looked back at me with a look of disgust as if it was my fault that she just ran over my foot and it continually tugging at it to get it OVER my foot! So I simply looked at her and raised one eye-brow as if to say “Yes? what do you want me to do about your laziness?” and to that she said something which I couldn’t hear because of the audio noise coming from my headphones (music) but what I can only imagine was “Hey, I love your shoes!”